How Can the GeneSight® Test Help Depression Treatment for Older Adults?

Clinicians may face many challenges when treating older adults, such as increased drug-drug interactions and higher rates of side effects.

The GeneSight Psychotropic test may help. The GeneSight test is a pharmacogenomic test that evaluates genetic variations in your patient’s DNA, and the results can inform you on how your patient may metabolize or respond to medications commonly prescribed to treat depression, anxiety, ADHD and other psychiatric conditions.

How Does Depression in Older Adults Differ from Depression in Younger Patients?

In addition to the typical symptoms of depression (persistent feelings of sadness, irritability, loss of interest in activities, feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness, and sometimes, thoughts of suicide1 ), older adults may exhibit additional symptoms, including:

Avoiding social interactions
such as wanting to stay home rather than socialize or do new things

Physical complaints
such as physical aches or pains, fatigue, or loss of appetite

Cognitive problems
such as an inability to concentrate or remember things

Challenges of Treating Depression
in Older Adults

When treating elderly patients for depression, clinicians may face challenges such as:

Increased drug-drug interactions due to polypharmacy
Lower adherence
Higher rates of side effects
Greater number of comorbidities

Elderly patients may also have impaired production of CYP450 enzymes which could affect drug metabolism rate.

To help avoid the problems that can result from these factors, physicians can reference published guidelines to help make critical medication decisions. The GeneSight test can also provide genetic information to help inform a clinician’s medication selection.

The GeneSight Psychotropic Test

The GeneSight test can assist in medication selection by identifying medications that have patient-specific gene-drug interactions.

Patients 65 or older who were part of the GUIDED study and received the GeneSight Psychotropic test experienced:

Directional Improvement
in Symptoms
at week 8 compared to TAU
relative improvement in symptoms
absolute improvement in symptoms
Significantly Higher
Response Rates
at week 8 compared to TAU
relative improvement in response rates
absolute improvement in response rates
Significantly Higher
Remission Rates
at week 8 compared to TAU
relative improvement in remission rates
absolute improvement in remission rates
Ready to offer the GeneSight® test to your patients?
Get started by filling out the form below.

Take the Next Step - PD

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Please provide us with your name

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Please provide contact and clinic information
Please provide contact information

We are asking for Date of Birth for data verification purposes.

We are asking for Date of Birth for data verification purposes.

If you do not have a clinician, we have a directory of healthcare providers who are registered to order the GeneSight test. When you complete this form, we will link you to this directory, so you will have the option to view registered GeneSight providers in your area.

Your clinician who is currently managing your medication and making treatment decisions can order your GeneSight test.

If you do not have a clinician, we have a directory of healthcare providers who are registered to order the GeneSight test. When you complete this form, we will link you to this directory, so you will have the option to view registered GeneSight providers in your area.

Please provide your clinician's information
The GeneSight test must be ordered by your clinician

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How can we help?
When completed, we'll follow up with more information
Please let us know how we can best help you
When completed, we'll follow up with more information

If you are a patient or a caregiver and would like to request a copy of your results, please complete the Patient Report Request form here

By submitting your information in this form, you agree that your personal information may be stored and processed in any country where we have facilities or service providers, and by using our “Depression Treatment” landing page you agree to the possible transfer of information to countries outside of your country of residence, including to the United States, which may provide for different data protection rules than in your country. The information you submit will be utilized for the sole purpose it was submitted for and governed by our Privacy Notice.
Resources for Treating Depression in Older Adults


The stories shared on this page are individual healthcare providers’ personal experience with GeneSight. Others may not have the same experience or outcome. Do not make any changes to your current medications or dosing without consulting your healthcare provider. The GeneSight test must be ordered by and used only in consultation with a healthcare provider who can prescribe medications.
