Brighter Days

Challenges between May 1st and July 31st

Today’s activity:  Get your hands dirty! 🌱 Gardening can have a profoundly positive impact on mood and brain chemistry.

When we spend time in nature, we can often find more balance and freedom within ourselves. (Maybe this is because we aren’t thinking so much about ourselves!)

Today, spend fifteen minutes planting something new or tending to a plant at home or in your neighborhood. Feel the dirt between your fingers and the air on your skin. Take in the shapes of the seeds or leaves of the plant. Don’t get hung up on doing this right or well. This is about spending time in the fresh air and using all of your senses.  [brighter_days_mission day=”5″][ult_buttons btn_title=”Learn more about GeneSight” btn_link=”url:%23prospect-form” btn_title_color=”#0099ff” btn_bg_color=”” btn_anim_effect=”ulta-grow” icon=”Defaults-chevron-right” icon_size=”16″ icon_color=”#0099ff” btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-right” btn_border_style=”solid” btn_color_border=”#0099ff” btn_color_border_hover=”#0099ff” btn_border_size=”1″ btn_radius=”25″ css_adv_btn=”.vc_custom_1682649965605{margin-top: 50px !important;}” el_class=”learn-more”][ult_buttons btn_title=”Previous Day” btn_link=”url:%2Fbrighterdays%2Fday4″ btn_align=”ubtn-center” btn_title_color=”#00a8e9″ btn_bg_color=”” btn_anim_effect=”ulta-grow” icon=”Defaults-chevron-left” icon_size=”16″ icon_color=”#00a8e9″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-at-left” btn_border_style=”solid” btn_color_border=”#00a8e9″ btn_color_border_hover=”#00a8e9″ btn_border_size=”1″ btn_radius=”25″ css_adv_btn=”.vc_custom_1681202898926{margin-top: 30px !important;}” el_class=”prev-btn”]

If you’re interested in learning more about how genetic testing can help your or your loved ones’ mental health, please fill out the form below and we will email you.

We are asking for Date of Birth for data verification purposes.

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