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How Depression Feels: A Virtual Experience

How Depression Feels: A Virtual Experience

This material has been reviewed for accuracy by: Renee Albers, PhD

Depression can impact every facet of your life – emotional, relationships, self-awareness, physical, etc.

Dark messy bedroom representing depression disconnect virtual experience

GeneSight and the Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) have partnered to launch a virtual experience meant to give you a sense of how hard it is to go about your daily life when battling a debilitating disorder like depression. Not everyone experiences depression exactly in the same way, but some of the common symptoms include lethargy, difficulty completing everyday tasks, hopelessness, helplessness, negative thoughts, isolation/loneliness, and others.

The virtual experience places the user, initially, in the bed of a depressed person. There is a list of basic things the person needs to do – get up, eat, call a friend, take medication, pick clothes up off the floor – and the user tries to complete each task. Because depression impacts energy, interest, and appetite, among other things, each task may become overwhelming for the person with depression.

If they need to stop the virtual simulation, the user can get help by clicking on the heart icon.

To access the online virtual experience, visit www.KnowMentalHealth.com.

For more information:

Our articles are for informational purposes only and are reviewed by our Medical Information team, which includes PharmDs, MDs, and PhDs. Do not make any changes to your current medications or dosing without consulting your healthcare provider.

The GeneSight test must be ordered by and used only in consultation with a healthcare provider who can prescribe medications. As with all genetic tests, the GeneSight test results have limitations and do not constitute medical advice. The test results are designed to be just one part of a larger, complete patient assessment, which would include proper diagnosis and consideration of your medical history, other medications you may be taking, your family history, and other factors.

If you are a healthcare provider and interested in learning more about the GeneSight test, please contact us at 855.891.9415. If you are a patient, please talk with your doctor to see if the GeneSight test may be helpful.
