Why Dr. Thomas Uses GeneSight
Dr. Thomas Discusses Clinical Considerations


“There’s all kind of little things in those clinical considerations that really can make a huge difference in what you decide to do”

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My name is Debbie Thomas, and I’m a psychiatric nurse practitioner. I think the GeneSight test report is very easy to explain to patients. It’s really nice that they have a copy to look at and we can share that together. When you get your report, you have these nice color-coded bins – green, yellow and red. The yellow and red have these little numbers by each medication, and those are called clinical considerations.

I think, and I tell my patients, that’s where the juicy gold is. Because it’s those clinical considerations that tell you why this medication is in the red or the yellow column. That helps you to understand, oh, if the serum level is too low, you may need a higher dose. Doesn’t mean don’t use that med, it means be aware of this specific issue.

So there’s all kinds of little things in those clinical considerations that really can make a huge difference in what you decide to do.

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