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Mental health comes along with so much stigma, and I think that that plays a large role in people’s ability to want to advance or be able to, without fear of judgment. You can’t treat anyone’s health without the consideration of mental health. So it’s definitely a factor that plays a large role in people’s ability to progress in life.

My name is Whitnee Brown. I am a certified registered nurse practitioner. I am dual board certified in family practice as well as in psychiatric mental health, and I practice in Birmingham, Alabama.

And what I want people to know is that we talk often about generational wealth, but let’s talk about generational health. I want people to know that it’s important to start where you are and present yourself as your best self by seeking mental health treatment, knowing that there are, services available to you, whether that be therapy or medication, but you have to start somewhere to offer that generational health to others.

Oftentimes, I see patients who are seeing me for the first time and they have told me that they’ve been through a list of medications and that they’ve come to the point where they’ve decided that they feel hopeless or that they believe that they’ve tried every medication in the book and they can’t possibly see the outcome being positive on the other side.

GeneSight is one of the most amazing opportunities for patients to get treatment even if they’re virtual. If I see a patient and I do recognize that they meet that criteria for need of testing, I’m able to go into the system, select that as an option, and send it to their home, and and then we can set up an appointment to review those results, again, on telehealth or in person. The GeneSight testing has saved me an immense amount of time simply from going through the list of medications. Typically, it takes about four to six weeks for a medication to kick in if you’re talking about SSRIs.

And so, four to six weeks is an awful long time when a patient is in despair or experiencing hopelessness or helplessness. So GeneSight gives me some insight and, takes some of that guesswork out.

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