Join our Find a Provider Online Directory

Are you currently accepting new patients? If so, our Find a Provider online directory is a great way to reach patients looking for help!

What is the Find a Provider online directory?

The Find a Provider online directory is a listing of registered GeneSight® providers on It is intended to help connect patients with clinicians who are registered to order the GeneSight test.

How Do I Sign Up?

Simply fill out the form on the right side of this page. Once you have completed the form, you will receive an email confirming enrollment.

Why Should I Sign Up?

  • Increase exposure to patients in your area looking for your help. Our Find a Provider online directory pulls in ~4000 searches a week1
  • Increase exposure to local patients, increase exposure to patients looking for telemedicine options
  • It’s easy and you can opt out at any time

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1 Average based on July 2021 search data

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